Finitura Felice

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The Hallmarks of Sprezzatura

This emphasis on comfort and drape culminates in the concept of “sprezzatura,” an Italian term that translates to “studied carelessness.” A Neapolitan suit should appear effortless, as if thrown together with nonchalant chic. Key elements that embody this philosophy include:

  • Soft Construction: Neapolitan jackets feature minimal padding in the shoulders and chest, creating a softer, more natural silhouette.
  • Barchetta Breast Pockets: These slanted pockets with a slight boat-shaped opening add a touch of visual interest and enhance the relaxed look.
  • Functional Buttonholes: Unlike some heavily structured jackets, Neapolitan suit buttonholes are often left unclosed, adding to the sense of informality.
  • High Armholes: Higher armholes contribute to the fluid drape and freedom of movement.

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